Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys

(originally by The Equals)

White is white
What’s black ain’t clover
Together we’ll be
When the war is over

Black skin blue eyed boys
Ain’t gonna fight no wars

Cool is school
But the teachers beat yer
When they see
They can’t reach yer

Black skin blue eyed boys
Ain’t gonna fight no wars

They ain’t got no country
They ain’t got no creed
People won’t be black or white
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed

Black skin blue eyed boys
Ain’t gonna fight no wars

They ain’t got no country
They ain’t got no creed
People won’t be black or white
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed

Black skin blue eyed boys
Ain’t gonna fight no wars

It’s a brand new day
With brand new people
One big world
Just one people

Black skin blue eyed boys
Ain’t gonna fight no wars
Black skin blue eyed boys
Ain’t gonna fight no wars


Lynval Golding
Born 1951
Mendes, St Catherine, Jamaica

The year was 1954 you know
Sir Winston Churchill shout across the western islands
And said "Come, help us rebuild this country devastated by war"
And so anyway, my father set sail upon the wind rush
Born for a new life
My father was a tailor by trade
So this could be the possibility of all possibilities
But no, there was no cloth to stitch
Instead you know, he found work in a steel foundry
Pouring hot metal day and night, day and night
And even worse you know what I mean
Him trying to find a room to rent
This was becoming a nightmare for him
He’d knock on door after door after door
But the sign on the window keep saying the same thing
"No dogs, no Irish, no blacks"
Welcome to England

I’m not here to teach you
I’m not here to preach to you
I’m just want to reach out
And say

Time move on
In 1964 my father showed across of Jamaica
"Son," him said, "come join me"
So I set sail on a ship called the Askina
When I reached Northampton on a cold winter’s night
Boy I was freezing
I want to tell the captain to just take me back to Jamaica
But no, I was here to stay
So my father sent me to a school
Linden Road school in Gloucester
I remember the first playtime
A boy shout across at me
"Oi, you black bastard, come 'ere"
I said "What?"
He said, "Come 'ere you black bastard"
I still couldn’t believe, I says "What?
Are you talking to me?
Are you talking to me?"
Boy welcome to England

I’m not here to teach you
I’m not here to preach to you
I’m just want to reach out
And say

In 1994 I move again
The land of the free, the home of the brave
The United State of America
And there I was, just walking along in the sun
Minding my own business
Such a beautiful day man, when I remember
I had to buy a watch for my sister’s birthday
When why eventually I found this store
As I walk through the door
This woman in the store shouted at me
"What you doing here, you goddamn nigger?"
I said, "I-I’m just, I’m just trying to buy a watch for my sister"
When she heard my accent she said
"Oh, you’re not from here, you’re not one of them"
"One of them," I said, "You mean me being black?
Well ma’am let me tell you something right, I am black
Is all you see? The color of my skin?"
In England them call you a black bastard
In America they call you a goddamn nigger
Boy, welcome to my world

I’m not here to teach you
I’m not here to preach to you
I’m just want to reach out and say

Black lives matter

Vote For Me

If we vote for you, do you promise
To be upright, decent and honest
To have our best interest at heart
You understand why we don’t believe you
You’re way too easy to see through
Not the best places to start

There are no rocks at Rockaway beach
And all that glitters isn’t gold

You’re all so drunk on money and power
Inside your Ivory tower
Teaching us not to be smart
Making laws that serve to protect you
But we will never forget that
You tore our families apart

There are no rocks at Rockaway beach
And all that glitters isn’t gold

So if we vote for you, do you promise
To be upright, decent and honest
And take away all of the fear
You sit and wait for us to elect you
But all we will do is reject you
Your politics brought us to tears

There are no rocks at Rockaway beach
And all that glitters isn’t gold

The Lunatics

I see a clinic full of cynics
Who want to twist the peoples' wrist
They’re watching every move we make
We’re all included on the list

The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum

No nuclear the cowboy told us
And who am I to disagree
'Cause when the madman flips the switch
The nuclear will go for me

The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum

I’ve seen the faces of starvation
But I just can not see the points
'Cause there’s so much food here today
That no one wants to take away

The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
The lunatics have taken over the asylum

Breaking Point

I’m here at breaking point
Mind and body tired
Those plans for happiness
Have all expired
The sales pitch from door to door
Says feed the rich and hang the poor
Twinkle twinkle little star
Point me to the nearest bar
I’ll drown my sorrow with the rest
Do your worst, I’ll do my best
Here I am, at breaking point

I’m here at breaking point
The pen has dropped
Progress would be wonderful
If only it would stop
The internet is free to surf
Measures intellect by girth
Here come another email
There goes another shemale
Social media is a trend
That will send us all
Around the bend

Heavy is the load
Of a creature ill-disposed
Of a man who finds the end
Before the start
It breaks your heart

Stand with me at breaking point
As riots hit the streets
Another toppled government
Will make the day complete
There goes another border
Here comes a new world order
It’s time to call it quits
Before the future hits
With the help of God and a few marines
We’ll blow this place to smithereens
Here we are, at breaking point

Heavy is the load
Of a creature ill-disposed
Of a man who finds the end
Before the start
It breaks your heart

La la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la

With the help of God and a few marines
We’ll blow this place to smithereens
Here we are
With the help of God and a few marines
We’ll blow this place to smithereens
Here we are
With the help of God and a few marines
We’ll blow this place to smithereens
Here we are, at breaking point

Blam Blam Fever

Did you ready the news? I’m a bit confused!
The gun fever is back, the gun fever!
Rudeness and gun is the talk of this town,
The gun fever is back, the gun fever!

Everytime your guiness are start,
It’s man shot dead or lookin' at war.
It’s the fever, oh the gun fever!
Simples thing is blam blam blam,
What is this in our little island?
It’s the fever, the gun fever!

You can know a rude chap, by the way he set his cap, lord,
The gun fever is back, the gun fever!
The rudie talk is seen, lord, I don’t know what it mean,
The gun fever is back, the gun fever!

Everytime your guiness are start,
It’s man shot dead or lookin' at war.
It’s the fever, oh the gun fever!
Simples thing is blam blam blam,
What is this in our little island?
It’s the fever, the gun fever!

You can know a rude chap, by the way he set his cap, lord,
The gun fever is back, the gun fever!
The rudie talk is seen, lord, I don’t know what it mean,
The gun fever is back, the gun fever!

Everytime your guiness are start,
It’s man shot dead or lookin' at war.
It’s the fever, oh the gun fever!
Simples thing is blam blam blam,
What is this in our little island?
It’s the fever, the gun fever!
Oh! The gun fever!

10 Commandments

The commandments of I, Saffiyah Khan

Thou shall not listen to Prince Buster
Or any other man offering kindly advice
In matters of my own conduct
You may call me a feminazi or a femoid
And then see if I give a stinking shit

Pseudointellectuals on the internet
They tell me I’m unhappy because I’m not feminine
Failing to consider that I may be unhappy
Because it’s 3 AM and I’m in the depths of YouTube
Watching them…​ whining

Thou may catcall me on the street
But thou should take note that I’ll catcall you right back
To tell you that you look pretty sexy too in your joggers
Or your suit, or your new-found look of confusion

Girls should not turn on each other
Or use man-made ideals like paths
Don’t you realize that you’re only making a fool of yourself
When you ask…​ "Why don’t you wear makeup?"
Is that what it takes to impress a bloke
Whose brain is made up of promises of curvy size zeros
And anti-gravity tits?

Thou shall not tell a girl she deserved it
Because her skirt was too short
She walked home, streets lights illuminating her as a target
But she started it, because she looked at him
And he finished it 'cause he wanted to
And they’ll bring out her skirt as "exhibit A" before the judge

And she should have the right to say
"Thou shall not tell me what to wear
Nor how to wear it"

I shall not be the icing on your cake
And I shall not be the candy on your arm
But I shall be seen
And I will be heard
The commandments of I, Saffiyah Khan


Embarrassed By You

We never fought for freedom
For nasty little brutes like you
To come undo the work we do
You bring shame on this country for true
Embarrassed by you

We never fought for freedom
For nasty little brutes like you
To come undo the work we do
You bring shame on this country for true
Embarrassed by you

You make your livin'
By robbing from others
Pull up your [?]
Are you undercover?
A street full of looters
Playing it evil
Riding your scooters
Like Evil Knievel

We never fought for freedom
For nasty little brutes like you
To come undo the work we do
You bring shame on this country for true
Embarrassed by you

We never fought for freedom
For nasty little brutes like you
To come undo the work we do
You bring shame on this country for true
Embarrassed by you
Embarrassed by you

You have no morals
No sense of reason
You have no future
You have no freedom
And walkin' the line
Shame on the footprints
You’re livin' behind

We never fought for freedom
For nasty little brutes like you
To come undo the work we do
You bring shame on this country for true
Embarrassed by you
Embarrassed by you

The Life And Times (Of A Man Called Depression)

The truth is
It was hate at first sight
Starin' down the barrel of a man
With no real opinions
But with charm oozing from every pore
Just watch him glide across the floor
Does he turn left,
Will he turn right?
Checks himself in the mirror
At least a thousand times a day
It’s where truth collides with fiction
He stands before him
The last remaining Ginking of England
Fearless, ruthless, cheerless, clueless
But lookin' like a million dollars (Wow!)
The emperor has got new clothes

He stands accused
Of being socially inept
Some say rude, aloof
Devoid of any real truth
He lives in a world of self-doubt
Self-pity, self-loathing, self-harm
The voices inside his head
Are playing Chinese whispers
As all around him play hide and seek
But don’t ask him to put a smile on that face
Or to cheer up
Don’t tell him it might never happen
Because you know what
It probably already did
Maybe show him some understanding
Give him time, let him breathe
Let him live, yeah
The emperor has got new clothes

Guess what
The world ended yesterday
Today is just an action replay
And hell is wherever heaven is not
So here I stand
The well informed optimist
Who refuses to turn on
Tune in, and drop out
I refuse to lose control
I refuse to let it wash all over me
I refuse to succumb to what your vision
Of happy should look like
Because it certainly doesn’t look like you
And when the sign says stop
That’s when I go
Like a clean, mean
Medicated fighting machine
Who’s all dressed up
And ready to disco
The emperor has got new clothes

We Sell Hope

Looked all around the world
Could be a beautiful place to live in
Make sure you’re seen and heard
And give the things worth giving

White is black, black is white
Right is wrong, wrong is right
If night is day, then day is night
Looked all around the world
Could be a beautiful place to live in

Looked all around the world
We’ve gotta take care of each other
Do what you need to do
Without making others suffer

Up is down, open is closed
Round and round, and round we go
Movin' fast, feelin' slow
Looked all around the world
We’ve gotta take care of each other

White is black, black is white
Right is wrong, wrong is right
If night is day, then day is night
Looked all around the world
Could be a beautiful place to live in

Up is down, open is closed
Round and round, and round we go
Movin' fast, feelin' slow
Looked all around the world
We’ve gotta take care of each other


Bernie Rhodes knows Don’t Argue

Why must you record my phone calls?
Are you planning a bootleg LP?
Said you’ve been threatened by gangsters
Now it’s you, that’s threatening me

Can’t fight corruption with con tricks
They use the law to commit crime
And I dread, dread to think what the future will bring
When we’re living in gangster time

Don’t call me scar face

Can’t interrupt while I’m talking
Or they’ll confiscate all your guitars
And Catch 22 says if I sing the truth
They won’t make me an overnight star

Don’t offer us legal protection
They use the law to commit crime
I dread to think what the future will bring
When we’re living in real gangster time

Bernie Rhodes knows Don’t Argue

A Message To You, Rudy

(originally by Dandy Livingstone)

Stop your messing around (ah-ah-ah)
Better think of your future (ah-ah-ah)
Time you straighten right out (ah-ah-ah)
Creating problems in town (ah-ah-ah)

A message to you, Rudy
A message to you

Stop your fooling around (ah-ah-ah)
Time you straighten right out (ah-ah-ah)
Better think of your future (ah-ah-ah)
Else you’ll wind up in jail (ah-ah-ah)

A message to you, Rudy
A message to you

Stop your messing around (ah-ah-ah)
Better think of your future (ah-ah-ah)
Time you straighten right out (ah-ah-ah)
Creating problems in town (ah-ah-ah)

A message to you, Rudy
A message to you, Rudy
Oh, it’s a message to you, Rudy
Yeah, it’s a message to you, Rudy

[Continues as music fades out]

Nite Klub

Is this the in place to be?
What am I doing here?
Watching the girls go by
Spending money on…​

Sleep all day
It’s the only way
I’m a parasite
I creep about at night

Nite Klub, is this the in place to be?
Nite Klub, what am I doing here?
Nite Klub, watching the girls go by
Spending money on…​

Hey, hey, I don’t work
Cos I don’t have to
I don’t have to work
There’s no work to do

Nite Klub,
I’m a member of the Nite Klub
Nite Klub,
A fully paid up member of the Nite Klub

I won’t dance in a club like this
All the girls are slags
and the beer tastes just like piss

I’m a parasite
I creep about at night
Yes I’m a member of the Nite Klub
A fully paid up member of the Nite Klub

Nite Klub, is this the in place to be?
Nite Klub, what am I doing here?
Nite Klub, watching the girls go by
Spending money on beer!

Friday Night, Saturday Morning


He’s just a stereotype
He drinks his age in pints
He has girls every night
But he doesn’t really exist

He spends his weekends with a load of blokes
He forgets the punchline when he tells a joke
He wants to stay out, he don’t want to go home
'Til his nicotine fingers are stuffed down his throat

He’s just a stereotype
He drinks his age in pints
He drives home pissed at night
And he listens to his stereo

He blamed his fiancée when he caught VD
The doctor said no drink for seventeen weeks
He wants to go out but he has to stay home
Sit in and watch colour TV on his own

He’s just a stereotype
He drinks his age in pints
He drives home pissed at night
And he listens to his stereo

The tablets are finished, the cure is complete
He hasn’t had a drink now for seventeen weeks
Seventeen pints, tonight is the night
It goes straight to his head, he ends up in a fight

Police chase him home through the dark rainy night
Fluorescent jam sandwich with flashing blue light
His mums waiting up, she hopes he’s alright
But he’s wrapped round a lamp post on Saturday night

He’s just a stereotype
He drinks his age in pints
He has girls every night
He doesn’t really exist

Redemption Song

Monkey Man

This one’s for the bouncers.
Big, big…​ Monkey Man!

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye!
Tell you baby,
You huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye!
Tell you baby,
You huggin up the big monkey man

I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man
I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man

It’s no lie, it’s no lie
Them a tell me,
You huggin up the big monkey man
It’s no lie, it’s no lie
Them a tell me,
You huggin up the big monkey man

Now I know that, now I understand
You’re turning a monkey on me
Now I know that, now I understand
You’re turning a monkey on me

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye!
Tell you baby,
You huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye!
Tell you baby,
You huggin up the big monkey man

I was on my way to Banbury Cross,
Then I see a monkey upon a white horse
With rings on he fingers, bells on him toes
Sing a little song, wherever he be
'Cos he’s a monkey, 'cos he’s a monkey
'Cos he’s a weedy little monkey man

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye!
Tell you baby,
You huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye!
Tell you baby,
You huggin up the big monkey man

Too Much Too Young

You’ve done too much,
Much too young
Now you’re married with a kid
When you could be having fun with me

Oh no, no gimme no more pickni

You’ve done too much,
Much too young
Now you’re married with a son
When you should be having fun with me

We don’t want, we don’t want
We don’t want no more pickni

Ain’t he cute?
No he ain’t
He’s just another burden
On the welfare state

You’ve done too much,
Much too young
Now you’re married with a kid
When you could be having fun with me

No gimme, no gimme,
No gimme no more pickni

Call me immature
Call me a poser
I’d love to spread manure in your bed of roses
Don’t want to be rich
Don’t want to be famous
But I’d really hate to have the same name as you
(You silly moo)

You’ve done too much,
Much too young
Now you’re married with a kid
When you could be having fun with me

Gi we de birth control, we no want no pickni

You’ve done too much,
Much too young
Now you’re chained to the cooker
Making currant buns for tea

Oh no, no gimme no more pickni

Ain’t you heard of the starving millions
Ain’t you heard of contraception
Do you really a program of sterilization
Take control of the population boom
It’s in your living room
Keep a generation gap
Try wearing a cap!

"Enjoy Yourself (It’s Later Than You Think)

(originally by Guy Lombardo)

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself,
It’s later than you think

Hello, I’m Terry,
And I’m going to enjoy myself first

It’s good to be wise when you’re young
'Cos you can only be young but the once
Enjoy yourself and have lots of fun
So glad and live life longer than you’ve ever done

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself,
It’s later than you think

Never right, yes I know
Get wisdom, knowledge and understanding
These three, were given free by the maker
Go to school, learn the rules, don’t be no faker
It’s not wise for you to be a foot stool

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself,
It’s later than you think

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as you wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself,
It’s later than you think

Ghost Town

This town, is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place, is coming like a ghost town
Bands won’t play no more
Too much fighting on the dance floor

Do you remember the good old days before the ghost town?
We danced and sang, and the music played in a de boomtown

This town, is coming like a ghost town
Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf
This place, is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can’t go on no more
The people getting angry

This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town

This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town
This town, is coming like a ghost town

All The Time In The World